“In this world where there’s no point in trying your best
The fame and glory I dreamed of in the past were fabricated by someone else
In the end, we are just a cog in someone’s or something’s machine.
I don’t know if I’m alive or if I’m being kept alive
Even if you put cloth, thread, and needles to a mannequin,
I can no longer see any new possibilities ahead
Even though I know it’s pointless, I try to distract myself by talking to someone or drinking alcohol.
Spending each day calmly
In order to look forward, I forced myself to vent my anger on books, records, good food, and designer clothes.
In the end, all I know is that there’s nothing beyond that
But still, the only way I can breathe is by continuing to search for something
Twice a year, I try to push myself and get a lot of people involved
I keep repeating the same thing without thinking or feeling anything so that I won’t break down
Major events in the outside world are becoming more and more commonplace.
Things that felt like a while ago are becoming mundane
I felt like I was being manipulated again.
If I’m going to die in the end anyway
I wanted to try something that I could love, even if it was a lie.
I tried to give form to such an ordinary story.”
styling: @yamakiiori @peter_gunn_sho
photography: @yutakawanishi1989
h/mu: @daichimrtk
Tags: les six