Now in their second season as a brand, yorozu presents their A/W ’20 collection. Small leather goods and bags of numerous shapes are the label’s forte, and they’ve even set up a factory strictly for the production of their in-house leather. Practicality is at the center of all designs, as mostly all small leather goods have specific items that are to be carried in them. But also, most bags have easy-to-access zip pockets or quickly adjustable straps for putting on and taking off.
The leather that yorozu utilizes is produced by themselves in Himeji City, within the Hyogo Prefecture. This adds to the positive characteristics that the leather accessories carry with them; lightweight, soft, and comfortable to the touch. The original attributes of the cowhide are brought to the forefront, and therefore, the natural grain is emphasized, and the finish has a feeling of depth to it. To finish the process off, the leathers are chrome-tanned for durability, and then plant tannins are added, which allow the patina to develop over time.
Shop the collection in stockists across Japan now.