After initially opening their doors in March of 2016, Hiroshi Fujiwara’s THE PARK·ING GINZA concept shop has thrived underneath the bustling streets of Tokyo in the Ginza district. Now that spring is approaching again; the store has slightly remodeled the space. Keeping the framework of architect Nobuo Araki in place and sprucing up the overall aesthetic. The placement of artificial grass throughout the walkways and creating an indoor field allows the store to be much more welcoming than its local competitors. And, the overall idea of the space adds a great juxtaposition between the vibrant city above and the reticent space two floors below. As always, you can find a great mix of brands there from Denim by Vanquish & fragment, WTAPS, FPAR, Allege & a full line-up of PARK·ING Ginza pieces.
Images: Eyescream